Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good Morning Chefs and Buyers,
Today we have a wide array of sea creatures to bring to you.  From Maine we have live Sea Urchin, crack these spiny puppies open and enjoy the roe.  Live Scallops in the shell also arrived from Maine, sized 10-20 we see this product every so often so enjoy them while they are around.  Some north Atlantic Whitebait arrived in this am and the little guys were still jumping around, fry these delights up for an added pleasure. 
On to the good news, the opening of Wild Striped Bass season in North Carolina, Virginia, and, Maryland have brought prices plunging down.  Local fish is available at dirt cheap prices, this fish is a MUST buy this time a year.  Jump on the bass train while it steams through with pristine fish at friendly prices.  All leg crab meat is back and shouldn't be a problem moving forward.
Now the bad news, Swordfish catches are showing up to the docks weak and this is driving up the price.  Prices on sword will be substantially higher this weekend.      
Its a little long but a good quote-

Watch your thoughts, they become your beliefs.

Watch your beliefs, they become your words.

Watch your words, they become your actions.

Watch your actions, they become your habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

 Habits are those actions that get us through our day without a whole lot of conscious thought on our part.  It's our habits, those actions that flow from our thoughts, beliefs and words that distinguish winners from everyone else. Dostoevsky wrote, 'It seems as though the second half of a man's is made of nothing but the habits he accumulated in the first half."

Where do our habits come from? The principal building block of habits are beliefs. A belief is your conviction that something is true and you are in the "Belief Business."  It is the quality of your beliefs,

"This is the kind of person that I am," that determines your habits, which in turn, determine your character.

Beliefs are formed by self-talk.  With this  self-talk, you are constantly evaluating in a positive or negative manner what is going on around you. Your focus is not on what is actually happening around you (the truth) but what you think is happening, as you believe it to be.  Over time this self-talk accumulates into a positive or negative opinion of yourself and your situation. This belief and opinion will subsequently be reflected in your words, actions, habits and ultimately your character.

Of course beliefs are only as good as the self-talk that created them. (Garbage in- garbage out) but good or bad, beliefs are the springboard for your words, actions, habits and ultimately your success.

 Vince Lombardi

Be well,
Eric Morris
Account Executive
Wild Edibles Seafood
718-433-4321 EXT 113

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